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Prabal Gurung for Target

Ummm, how AMAZING does the newly announced Prabal Gurung for Target line look? As a marketer I’ve always appreciated the business behind the collabs like Missoni and Neiman’s for Target. However, as a customer I’ve never been persuaded to purchase. Last month, I picked up the “Best Friends” pom-pom beanies from Band of Outsiders NM … Continue reading

Guess who’s coming to dinner?

Have you ever been asked who you’d invite to a dinner party if you could bring anyone, alive or dead? I think about this question probably more than most people. Is it my love of food? My love of pop culture? Both? OK, for me it’s likely all of the aforementioned….but in an answer’s most … Continue reading

Monday Motivators

“Life if a record, playing on repeat/ I’m running wild with The Lion, The Beast, The Beat”  Mondays can always use a little extra motivation. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals can deliver with their firey lyrics and sound that – quite simply, rocks.  I just happen to be seeing them live this Saturday in Indianapolis. image … Continue reading


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