Guess who’s coming to dinner?


Have you ever been asked who you’d invite to a dinner party if you could bring anyone, alive or dead? I think about this question probably more than most people. Is it my love of food? My love of pop culture? Both? OK, for me it’s likely all of the aforementioned….but in an answer’s most truthful form, I really just want to be asked that question and no one has ever posed it to me.

So here I am, attempting to find my place in the online space once again. After a somewhat uninspiring last week I realize I’m seven days further into my blog with little to show for it. Well, it’s my damn blog. I’ll write what I want. And what I want is for someone to ask me who I’d take to dinner, alive or dead. So, Sara, who’s it going to be?

Wow! Thank God I’ve been preparing and rethinking a meticulously-crafted answer for some time now. First off, ain’t nobody invited to this party who’s dead. That’s creepy. The perfect dinner party would consist of me, Chef/Writer/Asshole Anthony Bourdain, Writer/Actress/BFF-of-My-Dreams Mindy Kahling and finally, the spearhead of our group: an older gentleman/lady whom none of us attending know anything about, likes to party, and can impart infinite wisdom.

The Guests.

Anthony Bourdain is amazing. I love his scathing sarcasm, his deep-rooted distain for all things bullshit and his uncanny ability to rouse even the sweetest person’s hint of sinister. He’s also sexy in that dirty, Johnny Depp sort of way. He knows a lot about food and he’s very used to sitting down to dinner with people he doesn’t know. Perhaps we could also film this encounter?

Mindy Kaling is my current #1 dream BFF. I mean, the title of her book is “Is Everybody Hanging Out Without Me ? (And Other Concerns)”. Enough said if you were ever a middle-school girl. In case my following consists of a wider demographic let me indulge you all: this chick gets it. Listen, I like the show Girls but I find Lena Dunham to be so ironic, it’s ironic. I’m not hipster enough to pretend she’s my fav. No, I want to sit in coffee shops eavesdropping on the table next to us with Mindy. I want to text her during the Bachelor. And I want her to come to my dinner party.

Now for the odd man or woman out in this gathering: the unassigned older gentleman or lady. There are a variety of reasons that this odd-choice makes the cut: for one, I wouldn’t be the only non-celeb at the dinner. Next, I genuinely love the elderly. They have lived a lot of life in their years on Earth and I find they generally come with a different perspective, a lot of knowledge and make great conversation. They’d be the center of attention at the party, and the best of Anthony and Mindy would come out as a result. I don’t have specific questions for either of my famous guests, and I’ll probably only need one prepared for the older guest of honor: what’s life’s secret? We’ll surely get an amazing, albeit simple answer, and we’ll go from there.

Oh, and we’re having Mexican

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